Welcome to Ahimsa Yoga Sanctuary, where I'm passionate about yoga and sharing its benefits with others...
Having been a teacher for community college students, I witnessed the change of their attention span, confidence level, mental health, and academic proficiency over the years. I believe that it is our collective responsibility to help kids develop skills that build inner balance, focus, self-esteem and overall mental stability. Yoga happens to be such a skill or tool that we can introduce to them as early as possible.
I will be happy to provide services to all age groups. I have prior experience organizing Pre-Med camps at DMACC for K-12 students and teaching Sunday school of different age groups. I am currently teaching 2-3 year olds for Sunday Church at ABC.
10% of any earnings will go to the Bennet Family Foundation (part of the DMACC Foundation) in helping students pay tuition. Its founder, Carroll Bennet, was my mentor in helping me become the teacher that I am today. Any additional earnings will go to upkeeping and developng new yoga programs.
*Note that all services are provided at your home in Ankeny (backyard for warm time unless you prefer indoor), or a Nature setting within or near Ankeny. I have several favorite outdoor settings for yoga practice if you prefer for me to choose. I also offer services to school programs, sports teams or workplace employee wellness programs.
Here are my trio-practice yoga videos to share with you: https://www.youtube.com/@AhimsaYogaSanctuary

Offering couples, family (whole family or mom-daughter, dad-daughter, dad-son, grandma-granddaughter, etc.) friends, coworkers or any two or more individuals who wish to deepen their relationship through beautiful intentional energy connection.

Serving teens and tweens in nature setting or at the comfort of your backyard/home.
For ages 8-17